Assemble Jobs


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DESCRIPTIONAssemble jobs helps students find part time work in their area. Employers can post student-friendly jobs they need to fill, and students can search local jobs that fit around their studies.
· Find student-friendly jobs in your area · Filter jobs by location, sector and hours per week to find the perfect job for you · Apply for jobs through the app· Recruit local young people for part-time work
The app was created by Eve, Josh and Ben from Priestly College, in Warrington. The team and their classmates all struggled to find student-friendly jobs to fit in with their studies. Assemble Jobs won the Saving, Spending and Giving category sponsored by Barclaycard at the Apps for Good Awards 2015, the national competition for Apps for Good students. As an Apps for Good Awards winner, the team worked with development agency Codelegs to have their app built professionally and launched on the market, with the support of Apps for Good and Barclaycard.
Apps for Good is an education technology charity powering a generation to change their world with technology. Find out more at
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Website: [email protected]: @assemble jobsLinkedIn: Assemble Jobs